Pinch & zoom, bounceback, and the cool rectangular case with rounded edges of your iPhone were some of the innovations considered by the jury when they recently awarded $1.05 Billion to Apple in its patent infringement litigation against Samsung (see this prior entreVIEW post on the topic by Lori Wiese-Parks).
This well publicized case brought back memories of my front row seat on the hard benches of a federal courtroom in Richmond Virginia in 2010 as Judge Payne and a jury decided the fate of Lawson Software, where I served as in house legal counsel. In that case, the plaintiff alleged the infringement by Lawson of patent claims that covered basic supply chain management software—the ordering of supplies through the internet. What made the case even more interesting was that the patents at issue were in reexamination by the United States Patent Office (USPTO), a process specifically established to allow the USPTO another opportunity to reconsider the validity of certain patents and if necessary to correct its mistakes.
Early results of the reexamination indicated that the patents and relevant claims at issue were likely to be invalidated. However, Judge Payne denied a motion to stay (postpone) the litigation pending the outcome of the reexamination. He also prohibited the jury from even being informed of the USPTO reexamination. The jurors deliberated without knowing that the patents at issue were under further review and that some of the key claims had already been deemed invalid by the USPTO. Plaintiff’s lawyers were still able to wave in front of the jury the blue ribbon certificates of the patents previously issued by the USPTO.
No damages were awarded. The judge denied the plaintiff any damages (over $20 million was sought) because their expert witness had handpicked from earlier settlement agreements ignoring those with lower amounts.
However, the jury found infringement and Lawson was enjoined from selling and servicing certain software products. The litigation cost Lawson large legal fees, resulted in enormous business disruption, including time and expense of key personnel involved as witnesses, in depositions, development of non-infringing alternatives, and extensive customer services including training and education related to the litigation.
I will let others debate the merits of the Apple patents and whether or not that jury verdict was a correct one. These cases do however make you wonder whether (i) judges and juries are appropriate for resolving these types of patent disputes and (ii) the patent system as it currently exists is effective at rewarding intellectual achievement and enhancing innovation.
Patents can be extremely valuable for large corporations and entrepreneurs. They can serve as an incentive to invest in innovation and result in breakthrough ideas. If, however, a mistake is made in the issuance of a patent (even the USPTO will admit to mistakes) the reexamination process should be expedited and utilized as necessary to mitigate and avoid litigation.
Now for some fun.
Can you pick the one patent below that was issued and later invalidated through a reexamination by the USPTO ?

4. Snake Walker (#6,490,999). Collar apparatus enabling secure handling of a snake by tether [see drawing above].

If you selected the Sealed Crustless Sandwich you are correct. The USPTO issued a reexamination certificate for this patent and cancelled all claims. Smuckers built a large manufacturing plant (prior to the invalidation of the patent) and continues to produce the unpatented sandwiches under the brand “Uncrustables®”.
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