
Monday, May 13, 2024

Gender Diversity in Management. How? That’s the Question.

In a recent viral video, pedestrians were asked a simple yet telling question: name a female CEO. Astonishingly, most struggled to come up with an answer, a dilemma I, too, encountered. Only two names surfaced consistently: Whitney Wolfe Herd, co-founder of Bumble Inc., and Cathie Wood of ARK Investment Management.

As a female attorney deeply immersed in the entrepreneurial realm, this revelation stirred a mix of surprise and disappointment. It underscores a stark reality: women remain conspicuously underrepresented in upper echelons of corporate leadership worldwide. But amidst this sobering reality, there is a glimmer of hope. Consciousness regarding gender disparity in management is on the rise, prompting legislative action in certain jurisdictions aimed at fostering gender diversity on corporate boards, albeit with mixed outcomes.

A watershed moment arrived in 2018 when California enacted the groundbreaking Women on Boards (SB 826) legislation under then-Governor Jerry Brown. This legislation mandated equitable gender representation on corporate boards of publicly held companies domiciled in California. By December 31, 2019, such firms were required to appoint at least one female director, with subsequent quotas set for larger boards by December 31, 2021.

Regrettably, recent legal injunctions have stalled these efforts. Court rulings, notably the Final Judgments and Permanent Injunctions in cases 20STCV37513 and 19STCV27561, have halted the enforcement and data collection related to the Diversity on Boards statutes. Consequently, the California Secretary of State’s office no longer collects data on gender diversity, signaling a setback in the pursuit of gender parity.

In parallel with California’s pioneering efforts, Washington State, as the second state to affirmatively address gender diversity on public company boards of directors in its corporate statute, has also taken strides to address gender imbalances in corporate governance. On March 27, 2020, Governor Jay Inslee signed Senate Bill 6037 into law, effective on June 11, 2020. Pursuant to Senate Bill 6037, a new section will be added to RCW 23B.08 (the Washington Business Corporation Act, “WBCA”), requiring all public companies in Washington to diversify their boards of directors by January 1, 2022. While the efficacy of such measures remains to be seen, Washington’s proactive stance underscores a broader recognition of the importance of gender diversity in driving organizational excellence and innovation.

While acknowledging the merits of having both women and men in leadership roles for sustainable company growth and appreciating the states’ effort to promote female representation on the board, I’m skeptical about legislative mandates as the panacea for enhancing female representation. The crux of the matter lies in devising systemic solutions. The imperative question confronting our generation, and those to come, is how to effectuate meaningful and lasting change.

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